Electric car fire hazard: How fast does an electric car burn?
Again and again you see frightening pictures of burning electric cars in the news, and the question of the safety of the popular e-cars inevitably arises. The risk of e-car fire after an accident is thus presented in a highly distorted way. One thing in advance: Continue to drive your electric car with peace of mind!
If you are reassured about buying an electric car after reading this text, we have put together a few top models for you here:
Model | Offers from | |
Kia EV6 | €36,208 | Compare offers |
Hyundai Ioniq 5 | €35,360 | Compare offers |
Cupra Born | 30.665 € | Compare offers |
Fiat 500 Electric | €23,113 | Compare offers |
Dacia Spring | €15,962 | Compare offers |
Pictures of a burning freighter are currently circulating in the news. 500 electric cars are said to be on fire - and are very difficult to extinguish. The risk of a car fire is low, but exceptions prove the rule and there is no difference between an electric car and a combustion model. However, there is a big difference in the extinguishing method, and that is causing problems for the emergency services on the freighter near the Dutch coast.
An accident in which the vehicle ignites is always enormously dangerous for occupants and rescue workers. A first aid course is highly recommended.
Fire hazard: e-cars and combustion engines in comparison
Right at the beginning, we would like to make it clear: In principle, an electric car does not burn more often than a combustion engine – even if this could sometimes give the impression. Due to the high demand for e-cars, they are more present in the media and the e-car manufacturer Tesla in particular is in the news almost daily. Among other things, this leads to the fact that burning electric cars are reported comparatively often. Or how many times have you heard reports of burning, "normal" cars?
Nevertheless, it can happen that an electric car burns. The reason for the spectacular images of burning cars is that a fire in the electric car battery can cause long flames that burn at a higher temperature. If the battery has been damaged, a fire may not occur until a few hours after an accident.
An e-car fire does not occur more often, nor is the fire necessarily worse than with a combustion model. However, the way an e-car burns in the worst case is different.
Ein Elektroauto genügt den gleichen Sicherheitsbestimmungen wie ein Verbrennermodell. Dementsprechend ist die Brandgefahr nicht größer. Sogar die Brandlast ist so gut wie identisch – in beiden Fahrzeugen wird eine hohe Anzahl an Kunststoff verbaut.
Doch was ist mit dem Akku? Das Batteriepaket ist sehr gut geschützt im Wagenboden verbaut, zusätzlich wasserdicht verschlossen und verstärkt. Die Chance, dass es bei einem Unfall zu einem Brand kommt, ist sehr gering. Zusätzlich sind E-Autos eigensicher ausgelegt. Wenn also ein Defekt vorliegt, wird der Stromfluss sofort unterbrochen, und die Verbindung zwischen Batterie und anderen Hochvolt-Komponenten wird getrennt.
Man muss deshalb keine Angst haben durch einen Stromschlag verletzt zu werden und sollte unbedingt Erste-Hilfe leisten.
Hersteller arbeiten an einer neuen Batterieart, dem Feststoffakku, dieser sollte die Brandgefahr nochmal deutlich reduzieren.
Combustion engine fire hazard
A combustion car also burns relatively rarely. Compared to an electric car, however, combustion engines actually burn even more often. Of course, this may also be due to the fact that there are currently even more combustion engines than e-cars on the road - but nevertheless data from car insurance companies show that the fear of an e-car fire is unfounded.
Causes of fire in electric cars
Perhaps you have already guessed it: The causes of fires in electric cars are by and large the same as those that can also be present in combustion engines.
Errors during the installation of technical components
If components have been installed incorrectly or only inadequately repaired, cable fires can occur, for example. It doesn't matter whether you're sitting in a vehicle with an electric drive or in a classic combustion car.
Improper maintenance
The same applies to maintenance. If broken or outdated components have not been replaced, fans are clogged with dirt or overheating components, it is no wonder if there is a fire at some point.
Strong impact in an accident
When there is a fire, most people assume an accident with a heavy impact. Of course, such a situation can lead to a fire in the car. If the protective mechanism of the battery is damaged in an electric car, great heat can be generated and result in ignition of battery cells.
E-car battery: The weak point in an accident?
Audi already had to recall the e-tron in 2019 because there could have been an increased risk of fire due to a water leak at times. Due to a faulty seal on the low-voltage cable, there was a risk of moisture penetrating the lithium-ion battery, which makes charging no longer possible. In the worst case, it could have led to a short circuit or a fire. But as Audi itself stated at the time, the risk of a fire in the electric car was very low.
Der letzte Satz geht allerdings häufig unter, man hört dann nur noch “E-Autos sind gefährlich”, “Die Akkus in E-Autos können brennen”, oder ähnliche, besorgte Stimmen. Doch das ist den Autoherstellern bewusst und die Sorge der möglichen Kundschaft wird sehr ernst genommen, denn Vorurteile gegenüber der Elektromobilität sind auf Dauer schlecht für das Image der gesamten Antriebsform.
Um die Brandgefahr der Hochvoltbatterie bei einem Unfallauto so niedrig wie möglich zu halten, hat man umfangreiche Maßnahmen zum Schutz des Akkus entwickelt:
- Beim Auslösen des Airbags wird die Stromversorgung automatisch getrennt
- Lade- und Entladevorgänge werden mit einer Software überwacht
- Besonders stabiler Aufbau der Akkupakete
- Akku ist durch spezielle Materialien vor Einschlägen von Fremdkörpern geschützt
Außerdem müssen Elektroautos die gleichen Kriterien bei Crashtests erfüllen, wie konventionelle Verbrennermodelle. Hier wird natürlich ebenfalls ein besonderes Augenmerk auf den Akku gelegt. Bisher ist jedes E-Auto sowohl beim europaweiten NCAP-Crashtest als auch bei Tests des ADAC nicht negativ aufgefallen.
Natürlich kann es trotz aller Sicherheitsmaßnahmen dennoch zu Unfällen kommen, die jeglicher Regel und jeglichen Testszenarios entbehren, und dabei einen Brand des Elektroautos auslösen. Die einzige kritische Stelle, die die E-Auto-Brandgefahr erhöht, ist wohl ein seitlicher Einschlag, der den Akku verformen könnte, doch auch hier müsste der Einschlag enorm heftig sein.
Sollte dieser sehr unwahrscheinliche Fall eintreten, wäre das wohl das “Worst-Case-Szenario”: der sogenannte Thermal Runaway. In diesem Fall brennt die Antriebsbatterie und muss von der Feuerwehr mit einer großen Menge Wasser gelöscht werden. Dass ein Elektroauto durch Selbstentzündung, ohne dass es eine äußere Einwirkung gab, zu brennen beginnt, ist enorm selten. Sicher ist aber, dass Sie sodann mit einem kaputten Auto leben müssen.
Elektroauto brennt: Was ist zu tun?
Wenn ein Brand eingetreten ist, bedeutet das nicht automatisch, dass es sich um den Thermal Runaway handelt, es muss also nicht zwangsläufig sofort die Batterie brennen. Um das zu verhindern, wird die Feuerwehr versuchen, das Feuer mit einer sehr großen Menge an Wasser zu löschen und gleichzeitig den Akku zu kühlen, damit dieser nicht ebenfalls Feuer fängt.
Wenn das Auto zu brennen beginnt, dann sollten Sie Folgendes tun:
- Sofort das Auto verlassen
- Großen Abstand zum Fahrzeug aufbauen
- Den Notruf alarmieren und darauf hinweisen, dass ein E-Auto verwickelt ist
- Do not approach the vehicle until it has been released by the fire brigade
What do you have to consider if the e-car is on fire?
Basically, you should behave in the same way in the event of a vehicle fire – regardless of the drive. It is definitely recommended to contact the roadside assistance, because the staff is trained in the handling of e-cars. Here are a few electric car-specific features that need to be considered in the event of a fire:
- Stay away from all orange cables
- No hand extinguisher with extinguishing water
- Deposit the rescue card behind the sun visor
Delete e-car: Special features
The fire brigade does not have to fear any particular dangers when it is called to extinguish an e-car. The safety precautions are the same as for a classic car fire, dangerous fumes from burning plastics are also a danger in combustion models. One problem, however, is the large amount of water required for extinguishing and cooling.
If an accident has occurred in the urban area, the water can usually be piped to the scene of the accident quite easily via a nearby hydrant. In the event of an accident on the motorway, the water problem is a bigger one, so be sure to inform them during the emergency call that an electric car was involved in the accident, because the fire brigade will then come with an additional emergency vehicle to look for a suitable water source.
Of course, the fire engine carries water, but this is "only" 2,000 litres – but about 11,000 litres of water are needed to extinguish the fire of an electric car. The fire brigade is also aware that this solution cannot last due to the enormous water consumption. Currently, it is common practice to lift an electric car into a container filled with water after the extinguishing process so that the vehicle does not ignite again. After 24 hours, the danger is averted and the car can be lifted out of the tank.
How can the risk of fire be reduced?
First and foremost, every e-car owner can do their part to prevent a fire from occurring in the first place:
- Only charge with intact cables
- Charging from a suitable power source
- Have regular maintenance carried out
Elektroautos in geschlossenen Räumen
Der Gesamtverband der deutschen Versicherer hält ein Verbot für Elektroautos in Tiefgaragen für unnötig. Die Gefahr ist nicht größer als bei Verbrennerautos, die Schadenstatistik würde ein Verbot nicht rechtfertigen.
In general, it is much more difficult for the fire brigade to extinguish a fire in closed rooms - regardless of the source of the fire. It gets hot faster and the released smoke gases cannot be distributed. Accordingly, it quickly becomes dangerous for emergency services. This simplifies use, especially for e-cars, if the parking spaces are easily accessible and charging stations are located near the entrances and exits.
Due to current events, ships will also be discussed. A car freighter is also considered an enclosed space. A car freighter already burned in 2022, and the freighter "Fremantle Highway" is currently on fire off the Dutch coast. In fact, a study published by Allianz in May 2023 shows that there is an increased risk of fire on ships.
In 2022, fires were the main reason for the loss of ships - and the increased transport of battery-powered goods and e-cars is also responsible for the increased fire risk. Many ships are also very poorly equipped for emergencies. Often you won't find early warning systems or extinguishing systems on board.
Does the insurance company pay for fire damage to e-cars?
Yes, if you have taken out comprehensive insurance, it will pay for all damage to the vehicle caused by a fire. If damage to the garage has been caused by the vehicle fire, this is a case for liability insurance – this was decided by the European Court of Justice in 2019.